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Tuition and Fees

Currently ranked as the #3 “Most Prestigious Ballet School for CAREER SUCCESS” in the entire United States, Indiana Ballet Conservatory (IBC) offers year-round placement for talented students looking for elite training. 


We invite you to learn more about our world renowned faculty, led by Founder and Artistic Director Alyona Yakovleva, and elevated training by taking a FREE TRIAL class. This opportunity essentially serves as an audition and placement class to ensure students will be placed in the appropriate level for maximum development and performance.

The Vaganova Method

The Vaganova curriculum employed by IBC provides ballet students with a structured, scientific dance methodology and encompasses a holistic, pedagogical approach that goes beyond basic technique. It takes the human anatomy into consideration and emphasizes both technical prowess and artistic creativity.

There is equal emphasis on all programs at IBC. In addition, all enrolled students will have the opportunity to participate in professional productions.

Students at IBC receive training based on the Vaganova method, a 300-year-old foundation of excellence that has produced some of finest dancers, choreographers, and teachers of all time. The curriculum for each level is designed in a specific way to help children to progress in a safe and healthy environment; students are assigned age-appropriate class hours for maximum progress within a given level’s curriculum.

IBC’s program fuses the finest classical ballet instruction with the very best of modern and contemporary training. We are committed to honoring tradition and inspiring innovation in the classroom as well as onstage. 

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